Berechenbarkeitstheorie Meeting

I am Stephen G. Simpson, a mathematician at the Pennsylvania State University.

In January 2001 I attended a meeting at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, in Germany. The subject of the meeting was Berechenbarkeitstheorie ("Computability Theory"). My presentation was on Medvedev and Muchnik Degrees of Pi01 Subsets of 2omega.

My transparencies are available in several formats: DVI, PDF, PS.

My report is available in several formats: DVI, PDF, PS, HTML.

My abstract is available in several formats: DVI, PDF, PS, HTML.

My presentation was based on some of my recent papers, including Pi01 Sets and Models of WKL0 and A Symmetric beta-Model.

I run FOM, an automated e-mail list for discussing foundations of mathematics. / 16 February 2001