MATH 457: Introduction to Mathematical Logic

I am Stephen G. Simpson, a Professor of Mathematics at Penn State University.

Note to students: I will be out of town the week of February 20 to 24. During that week there will be no class or office hours Monday and Wednesday, but there will be a midterm exam Friday. Note the new date for the midterm exam.

The Course:

MATH 457 is an undergraduate course in mathematical logic. The subject is of interest to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, computer science, philosophy, linguistics, etc. MATH 457 covers propositional calculus, predicate calculus, the tableau method, completeness, compactness, computable functions, and undecidability. MATH 457 is suitable for all students who have taken MATH 311 or 312 or equivalent, or CSE 260 or equivalent, or PHIL 212 or equivalent.

I am teaching MATH 457 in Spring 2012. We are meeting Monday-Wednesday-Friday 10:10-11:15 in 104 Osmond. There is no textbook. I am providing lecture notes and other materials. There will be approximately ten homework assignments. There will be two in-class midterm exams, plus a final exam during Final Exam Week, Monday April 30 - Friday May 4. Grades will be based on homework (150 points), midterm exams (100 points each), and the final exam (150 points, total 500 points).

Office Hours:

My office is 305 McAllister Building. My office hours this semester are Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30-3:30 PM and by appointment.

Lecture Notes:



In-class midterm exams were given on Friday February 24 and Friday April 13. The final exam has been scheduled for Monday, April 30 at 4:40 PM in 104 Osmond.   /  20 April 2012