We apply some concepts and results from mathematical logic in order to
obtain an apparently new counterexample in 2-dimensional symbolic
dynamics. A set is said to be Muchnik reducible to a set
if each point of
can be used as a Turing oracle to compute a
point of
. The Muchnik degree of
is the equivalence
class of
under the equivalence relation of mutual Muchnik
reducibility. There is an extensive recursion-theoretic literature
concerning the lattice of Muchnik degrees of nonempty effectively
closed sets in Euclidean space. This lattice is known as
. We
prove that
consists precisely of the Muchnik degrees of
2-dimensional subshifts of finite type. We apply this result to
obtain an infinite collection of 2-dimensional subshifts of finite
type which are, in a certain sense, mutually incompatible. Our
application is stated in purely dynamical terms, with no mention of
recursion theory. We speculate on possible correlations between the
dynamical properties of a 2-dimensional subshift of finite type and
its Muchnik degree.
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Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
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