This is an abstract and references for a talk to be given at a Dynamical Systems Workshop at the Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mathematics, October 18-21, 2007.
We apply some fundamental concepts and results from mathematical logic
in order to obtain an apparently new counterexample in symbolic
dynamics. Two sets and
are said to be strongly
equivalent if there exist partial recursive functionals from
and vice versa. The strong degree of
is the
equivalence class of
under strong equivalence. There is an
extensive recursion-theoretic literature on the lattice of strong
degrees of nonempty
subsets of the Cantor space. This
lattice is known as
. We prove that
consists precisely of the strong degrees of 2-dimensional subshifts of
finite type. We use this result to obtain an infinite collection of
2-dimensional subshifts of finite type which are, in a certain sense,
mutually incompatible.
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