We now turn from Ramsey theory to another important branch of combinatorics: WQO theory. Like Ramsey theory, WQO theory is of special interest from the viewpoint of reverse mathematics, because many of the proofs seem to need unusually strong set existence axioms.
A quasiordering is a set Q together with a reflexive,
transitive relation
on Q. A well quasiordering
(abbreviated WQO) is a quasiordering such that for every function
there exist
such that m<n and
be the space of infinite subsets of
A better quasiordering (abbreviated BQO) is a
quasiordering such that for every Borel function
there exists
such that
It can be shown that every BQO is a WQO
but not conversely.
Generally speaking, WQO theory is an appropriate tool when considering quasiorderings of finite structures, but BQO theory is better adapted to infinite structures. For example, a famous theorem of WQO theory is Kruskal's theorem:
Finite trees are WQO under embeddability.(Here a tree is a connected acyclic graph, and embeddings are required to take vertices to vertices, and edges to paths.) Kruskal's theorem has been generalized to infinite trees, but the proof is much more difficult and involves BQO theory. Detailed references are in [32, §X.3].
There are some important results about the strength of various
theorems of WQO theory. For instance, Friedman (see Simpson
[29]) showed that Kruskal's theorem is not provable in
and he characterized exactly the strength of Kruskal's
theorem, in proof-theoretic terms. This had remarkable consequences
for Friedman's foundational program of finding mathematically natural,
finite combinatorial statements which are proof-theoretically strong.
Consider now the following generalization of Kruskal's theorem, due to
Kriz [17]. Let T1 and T2 be finite trees where each
edge is labeled with a positive integer. Write
to mean
that there exists an embedding of T1 into T2 such that the label
of each edge of T1 is less than or equal to the minimum of the
labels of the corresponding edges of T2. Kriz's theorem
says that this quasiordering is a WQO.
What is the strength of Kriz's theorem? By results of Friedman (see
Simpson [29]), Kriz's theorem is at least as strong as
It may be much stronger, but little is known. This
is an open problem which may have a big payoff.
We now consider a famous theorem of BQO theory. If Q is a countable
quasiordering, let
be the set of countable transfinite
sequences of elements of Q. Quasiorder
by putting
if and only if there exists a one-to-one order-preserving map
such that
for all
The Nash-Williams transfinite sequence theorem
[28,35] says that if Q is BQO then
is BQO.
Marcone [23] has shown that the Nash-Williams theorem is
provable in -
but not equivalent to
Shore [26] has shown that the Nash-Williams theorem
There remains the problem of closing
the gap. We conjecture that the Nash-Williams theorem is provable in
hence equivalent to
Another famous theorem of BQO theory is Laver's theorem [28,35]:
The set of all countable linear orderings is WQO (in fact BQO) under embeddability.The strength of Laver's theorem is an open problem. Shore [26] has shown that Laver's theorem implies