Much is known concerning reverse mathematics for real analysis and the topology of complete separable metric spaces. Some of the inspiration for this comes from recursive analysis [25] and Bishop-style constructivism [2]. We shall not discuss those connections here, but see my book [32] for more information.
In Giusto/Simpson [11] we presented a rather thorough reverse mathematics discussion of various notions of closed set, and of various forms of the Tietze extension theorem for real-valued continuous functions on closed sets, in compact metric spaces. The purpose of this section is to call attention to one open problem left over from that paper.
Let X be a compact metric space. For concreteness we may take
X=[0,1], the unit interval. In
we define
be closed if it is the complement of a sequence of open balls;
separably closed if it is the closure of a sequence of points;
located if the distance function d(x,K) exists as a
continuous real-valued function on X; weakly located if the
predicate d(x,K)>r is
(allowing parameters, of course).
C(X) denotes the separable Banach space of continuous
real-valued functions on X which have a modulus of uniform
continuity. The strong Tietze theorem for K is the statement
that every
extends to some
See [11] for details.
Known results from [11] are:
It is known from [11] that (3) and (4) are provable in
and not provable in
There is a partial reversal: (3) or (4)
implies the DNR axiom over
We shall outline the proof of
this below. But first we discuss the DNR axiom.
The DNR axiom says: For every
there exists
which is diagonally nonrecursive relative to A,
for all
is the set of
natural numbers. It would be possible to restate the DNR axiom in a
combinatorial way, not involving recursion theory, but we shall not do
so here.
The DNR axiom is known to be weaker than
König's lemma). Indeed, the DNR axiom is provable in the strictly
weaker system
weak weak König's lemma) which
arises in connection with reverse mathematics for measure theory. (See
[32, §X.1], [11], [4].) Because of Kumabe's
result [21], it seems likely that the DNR axiom is strictly
weaker than
Recursion theorists can understand these variants of weak König's
lemma in terms of separating sets, recursively bounded classes, etc. Thus there is a close connection with Jockusch's talk
at this conference. In descending order we have:
We shall now end this section with an outline of the proof that the strong Tietze theorem for closed, separably closed subsets of [0,1]implies the DNR axiom.
We may as well assume that weak König's lemma fails. For each nlet In be the closed interval
[1/22n+1,1/22n]. Since weak
König's lemma fails, the Heine/Borel covering lemma fails, so let
be a covering of In by open intervals
with no finite subcovering. We may assume that these coverings are
disjoint from one other.
is defined, let sn be the least s such that
is defined, and put
Define a real-valued continuous function
on K, as
follows. First let pi(x),
be a fixed, one-to-one,
recursive enumeration of
the ring of polynomials with
rational coefficients in one indeterminate, x. Using this, define
and, for
for some
It can be shown that
By the strong Tietze theorem for K, let
be an extension of
K to all of [0,1]. By Weierstrass polynomial approximation in
be a sequence of polynomials
such that
for all n. It is not difficult to show that the
given by f(n)=in is DNR.
By relativizing the above to an arbitrary
we get a
function that is DNR relative to A. This completes the proof.
Note: Recursion theorists may want to view the above as a standard
diagonal construction leading to a recursive counterexample to (4).
However, from the viewpoint of reverse mathematics, there seems to be
something unusual going on here. Usually, a recursive counterexample
leads to a reversal to
but in this instance all we
seem to get is a reversal to the DNR axiom.