Series: Logic Seminar Date: Tuesday, November 9, 1999 Speaker: Dale Jacquette (Penn State, Philosophy) Title: Soundness, the Liar, and the Validity Paradox Time: 2:30 - 3:20 PM Place: 122 Thomas Building Abstract: An inference is standardly said to be sound just in case it is deductively valid and it has only true assumptions. The importance of a coherent concept of soundness to proof theory is obvious, in that it is only sound derivations, and not merely deductively valid arguments, that advance knowledge by providing proofs of theorems in logic and mathematics. The soundness paradox can be informally albeit impredicatively formulated in this inference: (S) 1. Argument (S) is unsound. _______________ 2. Argument (S) is unsound. I show how to avoid impredication in the soundness paradox via Goedelization, and compare the paradox with its apparently most closely related cousins, the liar paradox and validity or Pseudo-Scotus paradox. Although there are similarities among all three paradoxes in this family of semantic diagonalizations, I shall argue that the soundness paradox is not just a hybrid of the liar and validity paradoxes, but belongs in a special category, that hte soundness paradox is more fundamental than the liar, and that the soundness paradox resists the most powerful received solutions to the liar and validity paradoxes.