Series: Logic Seminar Time: Wednesday, March 4, 1998, at 1:25 PM Place: 121 Thomas Building Speaker: Juliette Kennedy (Bucknell) Title: On Embedding Models of Arithmetic into Reduced Products Abstract: In the early 1970's Tennenbaum proved that all countable models of PA^- (the elementary theory of the nonnegative parts of discretely ordered rings) which are Diophantine correct are present up to isomorphism in the reduced power of the natural numbers modulo the cofinite filter. This theorem raises the question of when any function from the natural numbers to the natural numbers can belong to a model of arithmetic inside the reduced power. We give a partial solution to this question, which is related to Skolem's 1934 construction of a non-standard model of arithmetic. We will also present an analogue of the MRDP theorem, given in terms of the componentwise behavior of integer-valued functions.