Series: Penn State Logic Seminar Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 Time: 2:30 - 3:20 PM Place: 316 Willard Building Speaker: Stephen Binns, Mathematics, Penn State Title: Paths Through Recursive Trees, part 2 Abstract: A recursive tree is a computable set of binary strings with a simple branching structure. Even though a tree itself may be computable, computing an infinite path through a tree can sometimes be impossible. How much information do we need to find a path? Can knowing a path through one tree help us find a path through another? Is there a "universal" tree that will give us a path through any other? This talk will answer these questions and go deeper into the structure of the collection of all trees. Very little about this structure is known and there are far more questions than answers. The talk is the essential parts of a recent paper of Stephen Simpson and Stephen Binns.