Series: Penn State Logic Seminar Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 Time: 2:30 - 3:20 PM Place: 307 Boucke Building Speaker: Catuscia Palamidessi, Computer Science, Penn State Title: How to rescue the dining philosophers from starvation in case of overbooking ABSTRACT: In this talk I present joint work with Mihaela Herescu. Consider a generalization of the dining philosophers problem where the number of philosophers can exceed the number of forks. Will the classic algorithm of Lehman and Rabin still work in this situation? We show that the answer is "No": in some cases, a malicious scheduler can induce a livelock (all philophers will starve). We then show a randomized solution, essentially different from the one of Lehman and Rabin, which works for any number of "overbooked" philosophers and in a fully distributed, symmetric way. Our solution guarrantees deadlock freedom, livelock freedom and lockout freedom (no philosophers will starve), with probability 1.